I had been working for a Hotel for a couple of years, however the shift patterns (often working a late and then being asked to do an early, giving me five hours sleep) had been affecting my health. So.. I took the decision to apply for a corporate reception position. I landed a role in a large investment bank in a team of eight, all of which I thoroughly love – except one. He has been there about six months and was also from a hotel, however he had been a supervisor and I get the impression he will do anything to get himself noticed.
I have now been there three weeks, and he’s making my life a misery. Every time I make a mistake he tells the reception manager. The first – I had forgotten to change the food preferences in a lunch meeting. We had an email saying one of the guests was a vegetarian and I didn’t let catering know. However instead of just pointing it out to me, he told the FOH Manager. She was understanding, however now when I have to sit with him, I am on edge. He watches everything I do like a hawk and now so nervous I can barely talk to clients and I’m am making more mistakes!
What can I do?