Example Receptionist Interview Questions
These are examples of the type of questions you may wish to ask to ensure you are employing a truly capable corporate receptionist.
When someone comes to the reception desk, the phone rings, you have a room booking and an email arrive all at once, in what order do you deal with them?
What would you do if a room is double booked and both guests arrive at the same time? (A good question to discover if they can think on their feet. Did they move an internal meeting to vacate a new room? Did they make use of break-out areas? Or did they find a local restaurant to move a meeting too – as a last resort? )
How do you handle it if a client is rude to you or angry? (You want to feel they are going to be calm, that they are not going to take thing personally. That they listen to the issues careful and keep these issues away from the reception area – getting the client a coffee and seating them in a meeting room and informing the relevant party. Keeping the client informed of what they have achieved to alleviate the problem)
How many meeting rooms did you have there- and how did you book them. Have you used any reservations software systems? (If your company has meeting rooms, then it would be advisable to employ a receptionist who has already used meeting room systems. Whether this is in a Hotel – on systems such as Opera or Fidelio, or a custom built application that many banks use (Manhattan Datacraft’s Hospitality Suite and Condeco are the market leaders) or simply used the diary function on MS Outlook.
What do you think makes a good receptionist? (Hoping to hear some good answers here – not just a warm welcome)
Give an example of where you’ve gone ‘the extra mile’ in reception OR give an example of where you have provided not just good customer service – but ‘excellent customer service’ (this should really be something they’ve thought of themselves, not just something like ‘I upgraded someone’s room when they weren’t happy in the Hotel’ as that is the kind of thing they should do as part of the job. You want to hear that they’ve really thought about the client, thought ahead of their visit.
Do you ever plan for client’s arrival beforehand? A really top receptionist could be checking their names on the company website, so they can recognise them when they arrive… using their name – always hugely impressive.
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If you find you don’t have the skill set just yet, visit Receptionist Required for how to get the experience for a Corporate Receptionist Role!
If you are looking for a Receptionist or a Receptionist job, then see our choice of Best Receptionist Jobs and Job Boards
London’s Reception Manager Salary Review / Survey 2019
London’s Corporate Receptionist Salary Review / Survey 2019
Corporate Receptionist Training
For more information on recruiting a polished receptionist for your company visit Receptionist Needed
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