We have had a LOT of VERY HELPFUL answers to the questions put forward by members.
No names mentioned, but members are all corporate law firms and investment banks in the City.
If anyone hires out the Auditorium space to clients or charities, how much do they charge?
- Normally no charge, but we have on occasion and normally £240 per hour inc VAT or £600 for the whole day.
- We do allow external clients and charities to use our auditorium space but we do not charge them for this. They only pay for the refreshments.
- We do host events for charities with no cost, and we have in-house hospitality.
- If we allow charities to use our spaces, it is normally pro-bono or the firm will pick up the cost for basic catering. If a client would like to use our space it is charged back to their Matter Number and they’re only charged for the catering/ hospitality. I believe if another company would like to use our space it needs to be confirmed with the office manager and a price worked out.
- Nil charge for the auditorium
- We are occasionally asked to host charity events and client board meetings which we do free of charge.
- We do – but do not charge. The agreement is part of a Pro-Bono strategy, where we link with charities and have a working relationship
- We do hire our meeting rooms for the Firm charity with no charge
- We do hire out our Audit space but our fees vary, depending on of the type of event and client relationship to us.