We have had a LOT of VERY HELPFUL answers to the questions put forward by members.
No names mentioned, but members are all corporate law firms and investment banks in the City.
Have we got anyone that has digitalised their signage in client meeting rooms, ie, anything related to wi-fi or evacuation info for clients? Also, has anyone got rid of handset phones in rooms and replaced with something more modern?
- No
- Not at present.
- No, but like the idea of getting rid of the handset phones and to be honest, no one calls into the rooms anyway.
- We still use room info blocks and handset phones.
- We have digital signage on the meeting room screens and on the touch panels located on the tables as seen below. We still have handsets but they are teams enabled.
- Evacuation info is with visitors passes / Wifi signage is still on Foamex base.
- We do not have a single phone on site, all in zoom and headset from laptop/ mobile app
- We have digital panels for each room, the Wi-Fi details are displayed via a sign in each meeting room.
- We still have handset phones in our meeting rooms with no connection tech built in.
- We have got rid of some landline phones in conference rooms, we use the consoles on the tables which also control the AV.
- We now have Zoom phones in all meeting rooms
- We removed all phones and only use Teams in the office, there is a QR code for WhatsApp in the room if clients want to contact Reception.
- We host virtual meetings occasionally but it needs to be arranged with IT to provide laptops for clients to dial in on zoom.