Hot Desk Chaos!
What visitor managment systems have desk booking features?
Hot desks are not popular with many of you. It’s become the work of the FOH team to implement and designate and it’s essential to have a clear hot desk policy. Many hybrid workers are not happy they don’t have their permanent desks or lockers any more, and there has been an increase in lost property in lockers and around desks.
With all these changes happening with the way people are working, we discussed management systems at a recent forum, and here what people are using and some reviews!
Reviews below from FOH managers.
Condeco – a major player in the booking systems, ideal if you are happy for your staff to book their own hot desks. The software allows them to choose a desk and even colleagues they need to sit close to. They can book a fixed space and release it if they are not in the office. Many Blue Chips are looking at integrating this with their existing visitor management systems, such as Yardi Bluepoint,
Matrix – good feedback from users, simple and easy to use, also room booking and other features. Just as Condeco, via an app, it allows staff to book their own desks and choose area and colleagues to sit near.
EMS – a popular meeting room booking system we raved about before and now has a desk booking feature. Keeps bookings managed through reception, which many companies prefer. Works well integrated with other systems, including Outlook.
Vgreet digital management system also has a room and desk booking feature. Their visitor management system is ideal for multi-tenant offices but also will integrate well with Condeco.
Servicenow – This is being used for desk booking, and integrated with existing systems including Condeco.
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